WRJ SE District presents
Columbia, South Carolina
Area Gathering
Join us for Sisterhood, Spirituality and Social Justice
Sunday, March 17, 2024
Tree of Life Congregation
6719 N. Trenholm Rd, Columbia, SC 29206
Fee $36
Includes light breakfast and lunch
9:00-10:00 AM Light breakfast, Mix, Mingle & Registration
Program begins promptly at 10:00 AM
WRJ 101: And the Question is?
Presented by Faith Alexander & Amy Ahmed
History of Sisterhood in South Carolina
Presented by Anita Rosenberg
Alternative Forms of Leadership
Presented by Denise Levine
Creating Engaging Programming
Presented by Madi Hoesten
Presentation of Charter to
Sisterhood of Beth Israel Congregation
Social Action Project
Please bring food to support the Food Pantry of
Columbia, SC Jewish Family Services
Most needed items include:
canned meat and fish such as chicken, spam, tuna
canned spaghetti sauce – meat or no meat but cans are better than glass jars
boxes of macaroni and cheese or other boxed rice or pasta items
hearty soups such as chunky chicken, pot roast, beef stew
dried beans