Constitution WRJ Southeast District

Approved March 2023

Article I - Name

The name of this organization shall be Women of Reform Judaism, Southeast District, hereafter referred to as “the District.”

Article II - Purpose

Section A        To support and implement the mission of Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ) by serving as the liaison between WRJ and WRJ-affiliated sisterhoods and individual members in the District.

Section B        To bring the WRJ-affiliated sisterhoods and individual members in the District into closer cooperation and association with one another and further their respective activities.

Section C        To help WRJ-affiliated sisterhoods and individual members participate effectively in the activities of WRJ.

Section D        To assist in attracting new members in organizing new WRJ-affiliated sisterhoods in the District.

Article III - Membership

Any member in good standing of a sisterhood within the area of this District and a member of WRJ in good standing or any individual member of WRJ within the area of this District shall be considered a member of the District.
Article IV - Dues
Section A         Every affiliated sisterhood shall pay annually to the treasury of this District the dues amount set by WRJ for each of its dues-paying members.
            • 1.     A sisterhood whose dues are in arrears for two (2) consecutive years to either the District or WRJ may be suspended from membership according to WRJ policies.
            • 2.     A sisterhood that has been suspended may be reinstated by WRJ when a mutually agreeable arrangement has been made regarding dues payment.
Section B         The fiscal year of this District shall conform to the fiscal year of WRJ.
Section C     Dues from individual members who reside in the District shall be collected and distributed annually to the District by WRJ.
Article V- Executive Committee
Section A         The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected and appointed officers including the president, the first vice president, four (4) vice presidents, the treasurer, the recording secretary, the corresponding secretary, two (2) senior area directors, the parliamentarian, the chaplain and the immediate past president.  A simple majority of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
Section B         The Executive Committee shall manage the affairs of the District between meetings of the Board of Directors and shall have the power to expend sums not to exceed two hundred fifty ($250) dollars for any purpose not included in the budget.  The Executive Committee may not reverse or alter any decision made at an Interim meeting or a Convention, nor shall it have the power of amending this Constitution.
Section C         The Executive Committee shall meet at least once between conventions, the time and communication medium to be set by the president. 

Article VI - Board of Directors

Section A         The Board of Directors consists of the members of the Executive Committee (a president, a first vice president, four (4) vice presidents, a treasurer, a recording secretary, a corresponding secretary, two (2) senior area directors, a parliamentarian, a chaplain, and the immediate past president), the area directors (the number determined by need), the committee chairs, the District’s past presidents, and the president of each WRJ-affiliated sisterhood of the District or her duly appointed representative. Every member of the Board of Directors of WRJ residing in the District shall be an ex-officio member of the District Board of Directors with power of voice and vote.A simple majority of the Executive Committee plus the area directors shall constitute a quorum of the Board of Directors.
Section B         To be eligible to serve as an elected or appointed officer of the District, a member must be Jewish and be a member of WRJ in good standing.
Section C          In the event of the death of the president or her inability to serve her full term, the first vice president shall succeed to that office.
Section D          Any vacant office shall be filled immediately. Officers thus chosen shall hold office for the balance of the unexpired term.  Selection shall be made by the Executive Committee.  Fulfilling an unexpired term does not disqualify a person for election to the same office.
Section E          The parliamentarian and the chaplain shall be appointed as voting members by the president, and shall not be subject to term limits.
Section F          The Board of Directors shall meet at the Interim meeting, the District Convention, and any other time at the discretion of the president.
            • 1.       Notification of the aforementioned meetings shall be sent to the Board of Directors at least sixty (60) days prior to the Interim meeting and sixty (60) days prior to the Convention.
            • 2.       Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the president and/or upon written request signed by the entire Board of Directors.
Section G         The Board of Directors shall have the power to establish and determine Policies and Procedures.

Article VII - Duties of Executive Officers

Section A          It shall be the duty of the president to preside at all meetings; to appoint committee chairs with the assistance of the nominating committee and the Executive Committee; to serve as an ex officio member on all committees; to have general supervision of the interests of the District and to perform such duties as are indigenous to the office.  She shall present a report to the District Board of Directors at the Interim meeting, and present a comprehensive report at the District Convention to the membership-at-large.
Section B          The first vice president shall serve as an administrative aide to the president.  She shall be the designated program chair for the Interim meeting and the District Convention, and shall work with the president in the planning of both.
Section C          The four (4) vice presidents shall, when called upon by the president, assist the president in the performance of her duties.  The four vice presidents shall be: two state vice presidents to oversee all the District sisterhoods, one vice president of marketing and communication, and one vice president of development. They shall present departmental reports at both the Interim and Convention meetings.
Section D          The treasurer shall maintain all fiscal records in accordance with general accounting principles and present a detailed report at all meetings. She shall chair the budget committee, and send to WRJ a report of the District’s finances according to WRJ’s requested schedule. The treasurer shall present a detailed report at the Interim and District Convention meetings. Specific responsibilities of the treasurer are delineated in the District Treasurer’s Guide.
Section E           The corresponding secretary shall attend to all correspondence of the District and shall have custody of the Constitution, Policies and Procedures and the District Treasurer’s Guide.
            • 1.     She shall compile and keep current a list of WRJ-affiliated sisterhoods and their leaders.
            • 2.     She shall compile and keep current contact information of officers, area directors, past presidents, WRJ board members residing in the District, committee chairs, WRJ individual members, and other board alumnae.
Section F          The recording secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings that are duly constituted for conducting official business. She shall send the minutes to the president within (2) weeks after a meeting.

Article IX - Nominations and Elections

Section A The nominating committee shall consist of five (5) members: three (3) from the Board of Directors and two (2) from the membership-at-large, each representing a different geographical area.  The immediate past president shall chair the nominating committee. If the immediate past president is unable to chair the committee, a chair shall be appointed by the president. The president and the chair of the nominating committee shall appoint the remaining members of the committee. The past chair of the nominating committee shall serve as an ex-officio member with voice but no vote on this committee.  Alternates will be appointed by the president if any members are unable to serve.

Section B An official application for a Board of Directors position shall be disseminated to the Board of Directors, sisterhood presidents, and the District membership at least ten (10) months prior to the District Convention.

Section C           The nominating committee shall send the proposed slate to the Officers and the Board of Directors no less than sixty (60) days prior to the District Convention.
            • 1.           Further nominations for any position on the Board of Directors may be made by a petition sent to the chair of the nominating committee at least thirty (30) days prior to the District Convention.  A nominee must be proposed by her own sisterhood in good standing, and have consented to serve, if elected.
Section D         The Executive Committee and area directors of the District shall be elected and installed at the District Convention.
Section E          Elected positions shall be for a term of three (3) years.
Section F          No elected officer may serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in any office.
Section G         The president may serve only one (1) term.
Section H         Eligibility for election to the Board of Directors shall be:
          • 1.           The nominee shall be a member of a Congregation in good standing with URJ, and hold membership in a sisterhood in good standing with WRJ and the District. Individual members affiliated with WRJ, who reside within the District, may also apply for a District Board of Directors position.
          • 2.           The nominee for president must have served on the District Board in an elected capacity for at least one (1) complete term.

Article XI - Amendments to the Constitution

Section A         Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed by any member of the District in good standing.
Section B         Amendments shall be acted upon at a Convention of the District. Members of the Board of Directors and each sisterhood shall receive written notice of the proposed changes sixty (60) days prior to said Convention.  A two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present and voting shall be required to adopt any amendments.
Section C         All proposed revisions must be approved by WRJ prior to being presented at the District Convention.

Article XII - District Convention

Section A         A District Convention shall take place every three (3) years in accordance with the WRJ calendar.
Section B         The voting body of the District Convention shall consist of the members of the Board of Directors and all recognized delegates.  Each person shall have only one (1) vote.
Section C         Any sisterhood delinquent in dues for the previous fiscal year shall not have the privilege of vote.
Section D        In addition to the Board of Directors, each sisterhood shall have delegates and alternates in the following proportion to their membership:
  • # of Members
  • # of Delegates
  • 1-99
  • 5
  • 100-149
  • 6
  • 150-199
  • 7
  • 200-299
  • 8
  • 300-399
  • 9
  • 400-599
  • 10
  • 600-799
  • 11
  • 800 and over
  • 12 plus 1 additional delegate for every 200 members
Section E          Alternates in equal number to delegates may be appointed. There is no limit to the number of official visitors without power of voice or vote at a District Convention
Section F          Voting at a District Convention on matters other than amendments to the Constitution shall require a majority of those in attendance.

Article XIV - Parliamentary Authority

Section A    To support and implement the mission of Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ) by serving as the liaison between WRJ and WRJ-affiliated sisterhoods and individual members in the District.

Section B    To bring the WRJ-affiliated sisterhoods and individual members in the District into closer cooperation and association with one another and further their respective activities.

Section C    To help WRJ-affiliated sisterhoods and individual members participate effectively in the activities of WRJ.

Section D    To assist in attracting new members in organizing new WRJ-affiliated sisterhoods in the District.

Specific responsibilities of all executive officers are delineated in Policies and Procedures.

Article VIII - Area Directors

Specific responsibilities are delineated in the District’s Policies and Procedures.

Section A    There shall be elected area directors, the exact number to be determined by the nominating committee in consultation with the president and first vice president.

Section B        To be eligible to be an area director, the candidate must be Jewish, and be a member in good standing of WRJ.

Section C        Area directors shall be the liaison between their assigned sisterhoods and the District.

Section D        Vacancies between elections shall be appointed by the first vice president with the consent of the Executive Committee.

Section E         Area directors shall provide timely reports as requested by the first vice president.

Article X - Budget and Finance

Section A        The treasurer shall appoint the budget committee. The committee shall be comprised of no fewer than five (5) members, including the treasurer.

Section B        The budget committee shall prepare an annual budget for approval by the Board of Directors. The approved budget shall be submitted to WRJ.

Article XIII - Electronic Meetings

Section A        The Executive Committee, the Board of Directors, standing committees, special committees, task forces, and any other group convening to conduct District business, shall be authorized to meet by telephone conference or through other electronic communication so long as all the members are able to simultaneously participate during the meeting.

Section B        When deemed necessary by the president, in consultation with the vice presidents, electronic voting on District business may be permitted, allowing adequate time for mailed ballots when needed.

Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised, current edition, shall govern the proceedings of all meetings not covered by the Constitution or Policies and Procedures of the District.

Contact Us

Faith Alexander

WRJ Southeast District


Congregation Schaarai Zedek

Tampa, FL


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