Policies and Procedures WRJ Southeast District

Approved October 2016

  1. A Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the President to serve at the following meetings of the District: the Executive Committee meetings, the Interim Meeting, and the Biennial.
  2. A Chaplain shall be appointed by the President for a term of 2 years, to serve at the following meetings of the District: the Executive Committee meetings, the Interim Meeting, and the District Biennial. The Chaplain shall also be a de facto member of the planning and program committees for the Interim and Biennial meetings.
  3. Whenever possible, one (1) Departmental Vice President and one (1) Director shall be selected from each of the areas of Alabama, and South Carolina. Whenever possible, one (1) Departmental Vice President and at least six (6) Directors shall be selected from the area of Florida. Whenever possible, one (1) Departmental Vice President and at least two (2) Directors shall be selected from the area of Georgia,-Eastern Tennessee and Puerto Rico.
  4. Each Sisterhood of the District shall be visited by an area representative once during the Biennial period, upon written request.
  5. All Officers, Directors and Committee Chairs are required to keep a detailed procedure book, including their annual reports, and shall give these to the incoming President for distribution.
  6. If an Officer or a Chair finds she is unable to carry out her duties, she shall submit her written resignation to the President.
  7. Transportation, hotel and registration expenses of the President shall be paid by the District for the following District meetings: the Biennial, Interim Meeting, and any special call meetings.
  8. Transportation, hotel expenses, and registration of the President shall be paid by the District for the following WRJ meetings: WRJ Leadership Conference, the WRJ Assembly, District President’s Council, any URJ meetings as deemed necessary, and the WRJ Board Meetings, where she shall represent the District with voice and vote.
  9. In the event the President is unable to attend the designated meetings, the First Vice President shall attend with the same budgetary allowances. If both are unable to attend, a District representative shall be chosen from the four (4) Vice Presidents, and her expenses shall be paid.
  10. Transportation and hotel expenses and registration shall be paid by the District for the First Vice President to attend the Interim Meeting and the District Biennial Meeting, the WRJ District President’s Council Meeting and any special call meeting of the Executive Committee.
  11. The registration fee shall be paid for by the District for the Recording Secretary for the Biennial Meetings of the District, the Interim Meeting, and any special call meeting of the Executive Committee. Transportation and hotel expenses up to $200 for each meeting shall be reimbursed to the Recording Secretary for each of these meetings.
  12. The registration fee shall be paid for by the District for the Treasurer for the Biennial Meetings of the District, the Interim Meeting, and any special call meeting of the Executive Committee. Transportation and hotel expenses up to $200 for each meeting shall be reimbursed to the Treasurer for each of these meetings.
  13. The District has established a scholarship fund called “The Southeast District President’s Scholarship Fund” for the purpose of assisting sisterhoods, that have extenuating circumstances, with payment of the registration fee of a delegate to a District Biennial Convention. The aim of this fund is to honor current and past leadership by providing District sisterhoods, Board members, families and friends a chance to donate to a fund that enables women, who might otherwise not have the opportunity, to be a part of WRJSE District Conventions, to bond with fellow sisters within the District, and to build future and current leaders for individual sisterhoods and the District.
  14. If at any time of the convening of a WRJ legislative body, the District President is an elected member of the WRJ Board, she shall appoint a District Officer to serve as the voting delegate for the District.
  15. New Sisterhoods joining the District shall pay pro-rated dues for the first year, and shall be billed for dues the following year, at the same time as WRJ bills are mailed.
  16. The District shall give financial and active support to NFTY-SAR and NFTY-STR or its successor organization, and Camp Coleman, as appropriate. Voluntary contributions shall be sent to the Treasurer by each local Sisterhood, after Y.E.S. Fund Roll of Honor is achieved.
  17. At the Interim Meeting, the Board shall have the power to expend any monies for items in the Budget, and any additional expenditure deemed necessary at that time, provided such funds are available.
  18. The Budget Committee shall be composed of the Treasurer, one Vice President appointed by the President, and the President.
  19. There shall be a statement of Article 7, Section A, of the By-Laws in all official notices sent to Sisterhoods preceding District Conventions, so that local Presidents will be reminded that they, or their duly appointed representatives, are on the Board of Directors.
  20. The Committee on Constitutional Revisions shall review the By-Laws and Policies and Procedures of the District every four (4) years, or more frequently, as needed, at the discretion of the Executive Committee. Forms for suggested changes to the By-Laws and Policies and Procedures shall be sent to all local Sisterhood Presidents, and Officers and Chairs of the District sixty (60) days prior to the meeting of the Committee. The Committee shall be appointed by the President.
  21. The Hostess Sisterhood for the Biennial Meeting or Interim Meeting, after paying all expenses, shall remit funds remaining to the District.
  22. The President shall be authorized to sign checks in the event of an emergency or inability of the Treasurer to serve.

Contact Us

Faith Alexander

WRJ Southeast District


Congregation Schaarai Zedek

Tampa, FL



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